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How to Amplify the Voices of the People You Serve

An effective customer experience is the fuel that propels any organization forward. But have you ever had a great idea to better serve your customer, only to launch it and not receive the response you expected?

Megaphone, watercolor by Ian Mutton

In our efforts to quickly expand our outreach, we often think we know what our community needs without validating those assumptions. Having a disciplined approach to gathering and interpreting customer feedback ensures that we amplify their voices as part of our decision-making process.

This step is called voice of the customer, or VOC, and it’s a vital part of any customer engagement strategy—one that focuses on the needs and preferences of the people we serve. It takes this quote from Albert Einstein and puts it into action, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

The Benefits of Voice of the Customer

Yes, gathering and evaluating VOC data takes time, but there is a considerable upside to our service delivery and process improvement efforts. Here’s why.

It improves the customer experience. VOC data offers valuable insights into customer expectations. Giving them the opportunity to share their perspectives helps organizations determine if their current programs and services are meeting the mark.

It saves time and effort. Actively seeking a customer’s viewpoint helps identify and prioritize the things they value most. This reduces the staff overwhelm and mission creep that often arise when we pursue avenues of little or no value. Making space up front to evaluate customer needs reduces the time-sucking and emotionally draining effects of wasted efforts that can persist for months, and even years, if we go down the wrong path.

It reveals blind spots. This can be a real game changer that fosters a competitive advantage. By understanding our customers’ unmet needs, we can develop innovative solutions that address their challenges and, at the same time, create new opportunities for organizational growth.

It builds trusted relationships. By actively listening and thoughtfully responding to customer feedback, we gain the confidence of our most important stakeholders. Hearing and acting on their concerns builds a community of loyal ambassadors who sing our praises and share our story with others.

As purpose-driven leaders, the voice of the customer should be at the heart of everything we do. After all, our customers are who we are working so hard to serve.

Make VOC Work for You

Want to learn how you can incorporate VOC in your organization? Attend Voice of the Community: Maximizing Client Benefit at the Together SC Nonprofit Summit. This interactive workshop will guide you through a step-by-step approach to elevate the voice of your customers and ensure you are focused on the work that brings them and your organization the greatest benefit.